Divorce Law


We understand that you have been taken by surprise by the situation of divorce and may require the services of a specialized divorce lawyer in Durban. A good divorce lawyer can help you with the legal aspects of divorce and ensure that the decisions you make will benefit you in the future. We can provide you with a qualified lawyer who can assist you throughout the process. Let us help you find the right lawyer for your needs.

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The law of divorce frequently applies Rule 43. It is applicable when one spouse needs support during the divorce due to financial hardship or when temporary care or contact arrangements are necessary to protect the interests of a minor child. While addressing many issues that will be resolved in the ultimate divorce, Rule 43 offers a temporary fix. Reaching a solid interim agreement is crucial since some divorces take longer to settle. This law may cover any one or more of the following circumstances:

Monetary contribution towards legal fees

financial support for the cost of legal counsel
granting co-parental duties and rights to a third person concerning a young child – DIVORCE LAW DURBAN
Equal protection under the law is a right of both parties. A very intimidating component of any divorce is the cost. Rules have been put in place to guarantee that a spouse who does not receive an income will be given money to cover legal costs so they have a fair chance to submit their case.

By ensuring that both parties enjoy the right to equality before the law and equal protection under the law, the court is required by section 9(1) of the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996.

A very intimidating component of any divorce is the cost. But, there are rules that ensure an unemployed spouse receives financial support for the cost of a divorce lawyer in Durban, so they have a fair opportunity to present their side of the story.

Section 9(1) of the Constitution, Act 108 of 1996, requires the court to uphold the rights of both parties to equality before the law and equal protection of the law.

Defend and Undevended

When one of the spouses rejects the grounds for the divorce or refuses to recognize the breakdown of the marriage, the divorce is defended. Conflict may arise during a defended divorce in Durban, and the process of finalization could take longer than expected.

Both partners must agree that the marriage has failed and that the divorce should be granted for it to be presented in an undefended divorce. Undefended divorces are typically less expensive and complicated.

divorces that have been defended

Defended divorces refer to the reluctance to accept the breakdown of the marriage and the grounds for the divorce.
divorces without attorneys 

Undefended Divorces: Both parties agree on the terms and conditions of the divorce to be granted and accept that the marriage has failed.


When one of the spouses contests the divorce, they either refuse to accept the grounds for the divorce or refuse to recognise the breakdown of the marriage. Conflict and a protracted finalization are possible in a divorce that is defended by a Durban divorce attorney.

Both partners must admit that the marriage has failed and agree on the terms and conditions of the divorce before it can be granted in an undefended divorce. Divorces without legal representation are typically less expensive and complex.

divorce cases that were successfully defended
When a divorce is defended, neither the marriage’s breakdown nor the grounds for the divorce are acknowledged.
divorces that go undefended 
Undefended Divorces: Both parties agree that the marriage has failed and acknowledge the divorce’s terms and conditions.